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How to do a book review? Tips by experts & opinions by bloggers - Printable Version

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How to do a book review? Tips by experts & opinions by bloggers - IBC_Admin - 07-10-2022

In this thread, we will try to bring established book reviewers and literary critics to answer questions by book reviewers and bloggers in their early days. We welcome book reviewers to this discussion. Ask your questions or answer for others. Let's share our ideas that may help aspiring book reviewers. 

Initial thoughts: 
Criticism is versatile. It can be anything. Being a book critic demands more than just reading a few books and sharing one's thoughts about the same. Book critics have a responsible job to do. First of all, is a book critic equal to a book reviewer? Are book bloggers and literary book critics the same? What differentiates between a traditional literary critic and a contemporary book reviewer? How to write a book review? How to become a book blogger? How to emerge as an established book critic today? Is it a useful profession? Can you earn money by reviewing books today? These are some of the many questions that we hope to discuss in this thread. 

Let's start the exchange of knowledge!