Indicting Goliath by Lal Bhatia – review

Indicting Goliath
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Our Assumption

Indicting Goliath is an amazing reading experience as far as reading an autobiography is concerned… it does offer the readers a fascinating journey of the author from success to the gallows and then out of the imprisonment fighting alone… nothing like an ordinary non-fiction book you can ignore! It’s a must-read!

Autobiographies have always been, classically, monotonous and simple for the readers. Only at rare occasions, a few autobiographies have become interesting and able to make the readers feel curious enough to enjoy reading. In the modern years, we seldom found such ones. Indicting Goliath, which has recently been published in July, is the autobiography of Lal Bhatia, an Indian who lived in the US in his prime days. However, in the US, as the autobiography tells the readers, the author has to suffer the worst phase of his life as he was jailed for about 10 years – and his crime was nothing!

Indicting Goliath Lal Bhatia

The book offers the readers a little look into the background of the fraud that Lal Bhatia wants to establish – a billion dollar money laundering fraud that included several ‘sophisticated’ persons working in the Justice Department, FBI, politics and also a few businessmen including the one who often occurs in the book – Mr Wig. Without any hesitation, the author names the FBI officials and the Federal Judges who were involved in ensuring that he remains behind the bar and later received the bribes for the same – in the form of payment or promotions. Nothing as blunt as this has been read in the recent years!

Unlike most other biographies or autobiographies, Indicting Goliath is not a hollow haul of woes and allegations. It is a well-written book with detailed facts and also the proofs that one would certainly like to see. Making assumptions and allegations without any proof will not make any difference and the author does not do that. Lal Bhatia has included all the pieces of evidence that can be viewed and read by the readers at the end his book. Documents and attached proofs are irrefutable and genuine.

I will leave the readers to read the autobiography because it’s true, it’s interesting as well as it’s rather exciting – unlike other non-fiction books you may have read recently, Indicting Goliath is not dull and monotonous! The author has written in detail about his imprisonment, the cruel and inhuman treatment that he received inside the jail and the unfair trial that he received in the court of justice…

You can buy a copy of Indicting Goliath on Amazon India:

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review by Sanjit for India Book Club