Patna Club Meet: May 2017

The second readers’ meet of Patna Book Club was successfully held at the premise of CCD, Gandhi Maidan, Patna. There were readers from different age groups and backgrounds who assembled to meet there and discuss books on the reading list and literature. Moreover, three complimentary copies of The Quest of the Sparrows, a novel by Kartik Sharma and Ravi ‘Nirmal’ Sharma, were also given to the willing readers.

The books which were brought to the discussion table from the previous month were 1984 and To Kill a Mocking Bird, both of the elite league. The participants who were older, from the previous meet itself, discussed various issues related to the themes and the plots of the both. While the newer ones, who joined the meeting for the first time, listened to the discussion carefully. The club meet was organised by Sana Asif, president (Patna Book Club) and Atul Kumar Singh (program head) and was attended by members coming from Patna and nearby places. President of the Campus Readers’ Club, Bodhgaya, Amit Mishra also attended the meet to see the proceedings.

After the major discussion was over, Alok Mishra, a member of the same club and also the Editor-in-Chief of Ashvamegh, an international literature magazine, talked about the contemporary fiction and disclosed the book by Kartik & Ravi Sharma – The Quest of the Sparrows. He told how the book signifies a life which is made worthy by the protagonist in the novel, Partibhan. Alok also stated that this novel is certainly reflecting signs which are unusual in the contemporary fiction which gets popular. After the discussion, three copies were given to the participants who were willing to give the book a read.

For the next meet, the books on the reading list are The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy and any book from the Partition Literature genre. The date for the next meet will be decided very soon and as it happens, the team at India Book Club will update you soon. Till then, happy reading!

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